The new version can be downloaded in the Google Play Store. It includes quite a few new features, but the most important one is support for smartphone cameras without auto focus to read QR codes. This means that you can use the app from a cheaper smartphone to find out what’s around you is by photographing it with your phone’s camera. Or to scan QR codes directly — although there’s some other great apps for that. Other useful features of the update include URL checking against a blacklist — it won’t let you go to a URL that could hurt your device. You also get a screenshot of the page before visiting it. It also lets you search for similar looking products when a match isn’t found. This is not a huge update, but it brings some groovy new features to the table.

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Google Goggles New Version Includes Support for Simpler Cameras - 71Google Goggles New Version Includes Support for Simpler Cameras - 26